
Autofac Partial Composition

Under Construction

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Painting the Scene

Autofac is a popular dependency injection framework for .NET and you are building an application . It is a mature and feature rich framework that is widely used in the .NET community. It is a popular choice for dependency injection in .NET Core and .NET Framework applications.

Adding these behaviors will require additional packages to be added to your project:

Install-Package ZeUnit.FakeItEasy
Install-Package ZeUnit.Autofac

The Contrived Example

Examples of frameworks are often a bit contorted to show off the framework while making a mockery of the testing framework it self.

public class AutofacInjectionZeTestClass(
    Func<ISimpleInjectedDependency, ISimpleInjectedService> factory, 
    Fake<ISimpleInjectedDependency> fake)
    public Fact ConstructorInjectionTestMethodThatPasses()
        fake.CallsTo(n => n.Value()).Returns("Fake");
        var instance = factory(fake.FakedObject);

        return instance.Test() == "Fake";