
Birdseye View of ZeUnit

In the previous section Getting Started, we covered the basics of getting ZeUnit testing set up in your solution. Aside from some clever assertion syntax, ZeUnit has yet to offer any real value over the existing frameworks like XUnit, NUnit or MS Test.

Make ZeUnit Yours

The language features that are used as examples in this section are just a small subset of the features that ZeUnit has to offer. More importantly, ZeUnit is designed to be extended and customized to fit the needs of your project.

Simple Suite

public class SimpleSuite
    public Fact GetExpectedValue()
        var actual = GetSomeString();    
        return actual == "expected";

The example above in the class SimpleSuite, is the most basic form of a test in ZeUnit. There is no constructor injection or custom method bindings. As a result, it defaults to TransientSuite with a TransientLifecycleFactory for the class lifecycle.

The test itself, at a low level, boils down to a simple assertion: return value == "expected";. With a little help from implicit type operators magic, the bool is converted to a Fact<bool> allowing the code to compile and the test to report results.

A secondary implicit conversion operator is also created on Tuple<bool, string> to support custom messages to be returned along with the test's status.

public class SimpleSuite : TransientSuite
     public Fact GetExpectedValueWithMessage()
         return (actual == "expected", $"Expected value does not match {actual}!!");

Suite Lifecycle

The example above explicitly defines the lifecycle by inheriting from the TransientSuite class, this the default behavior for classes that don't inherit a Suite class. More on the lifecycle in the Test & Suite Lifecycle section.

Adding Assertions

While the shorthand bool and Tuple<bool, string> are useful for quick and dirty tests, a simple pass and fails to give enough details for troubleshooting, having to write out custom messages for every test would become very tedious. This is where the ZeUnit.Assertions namespace shines. The shouldly inspired collection of helpers supercharge the testing process.

public class AssertionSuite
     public Fact GetExpectedValue()
         var actual = GetSomeString();    
         return actual

A similar test could be written using the bool, but would require that it is broken into 3 separate tests or that the test returns the type IEnumerable<Fact> allowing for yield return syntax for multiple assertions.

The other added value in using the assertion library, over the shorthand bool tests, is rich reporting on the objects under the tests. This is something that is lost when implicitly converting from bool to Fact.

The Kitchen Sink

The TheKitchenSinkSuite class really showcases the power of ZeUnit to create many tests with very few lines of code. Out of the gate, there are two attributes that define the attributes which are used for class composition to fill the test class dependencies.

  • The Singleton attribute creates a single instance of a value to be shared by all the tests that inject the value. More on this shortly.
  • The LamarContainer attribute creates a DI container and registers the CalculatorRegistry to the container allowing the ICalculator to be injected into the class.

Class Composition

These attributes are just a taste of what can be done before the test is executed by creating domain specific attributes unique to your project by overriding the ZeClassComposer and ZeComposerAttribute classes. See more Class Composers or Custom Class Composers.

public class TheKitchenSinkSuite(ICalculator calculator, SingletonCounter counter)

    [InlineData(null, 0)]
    [InlineData(new[] { 1d }, 1)]
    [InlineData(new[] { 1d, 2d }, 3)]
    [InlineData(new[] { 1d, 2d, 3d, 4d }, 10)]
    public Fact AdditionHarness(double[] values, double expected)
        var actual = calculator.Apply<AddOperation>(values);
        return actual.Is(expected);

The InlineData is a familiar tool of existing unit testing frameworks, but just like the ZeClassComposer customizations, ZeUnit focuses on making custom method bindings easy to create. More on this in the Method Bindings section.

Back to the single instance of SingletonCounter which might seem out of place in a test suite that is transient. However, when building a testing framework on top of reactive IObservable classes, being able to build out dependency chains for that behavior becomes pretty trivial. For the purists this is a unit test code smell, but as ZeUnit scales to larger integration and end-to-end tests, the ability to share state between tests that can follow each other becomes a powerful tool.


The features around DependsOn are not currently implemented in the current version of ZeUnit. They are planned for a future release.

  • [DependsOn("AddOneMoreFirst")] is doing some interesting work, allowing us to define that some tests in the suite have to run before others by creating a dependency
  • [DependsOn(typeof(TheKitchenSinkSuite))] is a way to define that NextKitchenSinkSuite depends on TheKitchenSinkSuite to be run first

public class NextKitchenSinkSuite(SingletonCounter counter)
    public Fact AddOneMoreFirst()
        return true;

    public Fact CheckTotalValue()
        return counter.Value() == 5;

Understanding The Lifecycle

The outcome here is that TheKitchenSinkSuite is run first, allowing each of the InlineData method bindings to execute the AdditionHarness method. This keeps incrementing the SingletonCounter, which is always the same despite TheKitchenSinkSuite being transient for each instance of the method binding.

Once all of the tests in TheKitchenSinkSuite, the dependency defined on NextKitchenSinkSuite with the IZeDependency<TheKitchenSinkSuite> interface, are satisfied, ZeUnit will pick up the Facts. The lifecycle of this class, however, is modified by inheritance from the OrderedSuite<NextKitchenSinkOrder>, which defers figuring out method fact dependencies as a SuiteOrder class.

The SuiteOrder override method behind the scenes wraps around some IObservable magic allowing tests to shake out dependencies as they complete. The sudo code definition in the none functional example above would require that the Fact AddOneMoreFirst is run before CheckTotalValue is run. This makes the Counter value 5 and the final test pass.

Next Section: Functional First